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News and Updates
Stay up to date with planning and Society news.

Summer Social
The Wells Civic Society's summer social featured a talk by past High Sheriff Robbie Drewett and announced their new website.

Wells Festival of Literature
Sue Rye describes the tremendous range and scope of the education projects that Wells Festival of Literature initiates and funds.

The New Shoemakers Museum at Clarks Village, Street
The director of the Alfred Gillett Trust described a brief history of the Clark’s legacy, the extensive archives and the new museum.

The Early Economic Development of Wells from 500 to the 1400s
Offering insight into the historical development of the economy of Wells, Mark traced its beginnings back to the 6th century.

Is Self Build The Way Forward To Save The Architectural Merit Of Wells?
Chris Charles, an advocate for self-build housing talked about the pros and cons of a different approach to housing development.

How Best To Use The Bishop's Barn
The Bishops Barn was in Debate at the Wells Civic Society Monthly meeting in January.
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