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News and Updates
Stay up to date with planning and Society news.

Is Self Build The Way Forward To Save The Architectural Merit Of Wells?
Chris Charles, an advocate for self-build housing talked about the pros and cons of a different approach to housing development.

How Best To Use The Bishop's Barn
The Bishops Barn was in Debate at the Wells Civic Society Monthly meeting in January.

Councillors' Panel April 2023
Wells City Councillors Agabani, Butt Philips, Orrett and Powell were invited to discuss local issues with Society members.

Sustainable Housing - A Talk By Jackson Moulding
Jackson Moulding explains the work of SNUG Housing to Wells Civic Society.

Neighbourhood Plan Draft Meeting
Wells Civic Society members and city councillors learned more today about the draft of the Wells Neighbourhood Plan.

Wells - A Key Historic City
The City of Wells has played a key part in a national research project looking at housing growth in historic cities.
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