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News and Updates
Stay up to date with planning and Society news.

Civic Society Supports The Garden Gangs
Wells Civic Society helps to support the development of gardens at The Lawrence Centre and Wells Museum.

A Sign of the Times?
Wells City Centre signs - Useful public information or visual clutter? There is no doubt that Wells is a beautiful medieval city....

Wells Museum
Wells Civic Society donates £500 Wells & Mendip Museum to help them reopen safely after the pandemic.

Tourism In Wells
Wells Civic Society is part of Wells Heritage Partners, working collaboratively to raise the profile of the City.

Waterways of Wells
Early in 2016 the Civic Society commissioned a survey of the waterways in order to map their routes and to understand more about them.

Christmas Shop Windows
December 2016 The Society likes to encourage the retailers in Wells to make the very best of the built heritage of the City, with shop...
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